Quick Braces
The most common form of braces used to straighten teeth is metal braces. At Forest Road Dental Practice we endeavour to always provide the most up to date and discreet methods of treating your concerns. We are registered providers for both, Quick Straight Teeth and Six Months Smiles teeth straightening systems that make use of much more discreet ceramic tooth braces rather than the quite noticeable and unsightly metal alternative.
Quick Straight Teeth and Six Months Smiles essentially work in the same way as traditional metal braces in that they involve using a series of tooth coloured, ceramic brackets and orthodontic wires which are carefully positioned by your dentist on to each of your teeth. The teeth are then gradually moved into the desired position over time using gentle forces.
The treatment usually takes between 6-9 months however, this varies depending on the complexity of the case.
Frequently Asked Questions
They are nearly tooth coloured and so far more aesthetic than metal braces.
Usually some sort of retainer is needed and recommended.